Tuesday, February 27, 2007

some pics from oklahoma city

here are some pictures from the weekend in oklahoma city for the regional tourney. we took one morning and stopped by the oklahoma city bombing memorial and then swung by the dmv so ellen could get her cdl. she drove the second leg home so the other driver could get some sleep.

still 31 degrees and cloudy

4 inches

when tessa and i got back from oklahoma city and the regional tournament we unpacked our things and got some supper going. we ate and watched an episode of seinfeld season six. i was going to take some trash out and when i got to the door i was surprised to find four inches of snow on the ground. it is a magical feeling to go from grass to a winter wonderland without seeing any of it falling.
anyway, there is this sweet park not too far from our house and we had to take a walk. here are some pictures from our excursion.
it's 31 degrees and mostly cloudy

Sunday, February 25, 2007


yikes, we're a little behind! let me give you a very brief catch up on basketball. our boys won our conference tournament. in the final game we beat ozark by 20 points. we landed 3 royals on first team all conference. both our parents made it for the conference games!!!

then we road-tripped to oklahoma for regionals. we beat dallas christian in the first round by 12. but our season was up-ended by south western by 3 points. it was a frustrating loss as we had three chances to tie it up in the last 20 seconds of the game. out of our region, one of our players was voted second team all region, and two were selected first team all region. its been a great basketball season, we are sad to see it end.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

officially 6 months old

L bell is 6 months old today. she has graduated from being trapped in her car seat to sitting all by herself in the "big girl's spot" in the shopping cart and she gets her own high chair at restaurants now. however, she still slobbers a lot...and doesn't use distinct word sounds. she hates rice cereal but we're working on bananas, oatmeal and whatever the basketball guys might feed her (slushies, frenchfries, chocolate chip cookies etc.)
growing like a field of weeds
it's 9 degrees and mostly cloudy


the food pictures have begun:
then snarfing
licking clean
ellen hasn't been at all interested in solid food and i really haven't been pushing for it. at her 6 month check up i mentioned it to the doctor and he suggested getting her a high chair or her own seat this next month as we start encouraging solids more. a friend gave us this little booster seat thing and it seems to have done the trick.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

burger queen

a few more road trip pictures from the Dana game:
the burger queen with scott and eddy
just basking in the attention from her boys
jason, paul, josh and willie

mother/ daughter posechilli is on the stove, corn muffins in the oven, and ellen and i are just waiting for scott to get home any minute now from work.

its 25 degrees and partly cloudy

ellens' got the moves

at the game on tuesday against dana college in blair, ne, ellen showed off all her "cheering moves" for daddy and the boys. take a look:

the wave
"awww, come on ref, what was that?"
twinkle fingers for the free throw
i'm sure it was her cheering that gave us this amazing 72-68 win . whoohoo! Go Grace U!