Friday, December 05, 2008

first snow

unfortunately this is about the extent of snow that hits the ground here in missouri. we are entering a brown, muddy, cold season. they call it winter in missouri. nasty stuff. oh, how i miss the snow. i mean, if it's going to be 20 out we might as well have snow right? however, with all its shortcomings, missouri did afford cody the first opportunity of his life to put his hands in come snow. and for missouri's efforts, we thank her. 


nwestmama said...

wow....looks like you really got a blizzard.

Anonymous said...

Becky Sw. called our littleuns "mottlings" -- they were definitely motts! Your two punkins sitting on the ground reminded me of that because they looked so much alike! Like little "angelings" :) --mrs. coach.
p.s. GU is in sd this week.