Sunday, October 14, 2007

this is a pretty funny clip. ellen is really trying to talk. she copies everything we do and say these days. we put our favorite part on the end for some extra laughs.


The Chalmers' Family said...

Wow, laughing so hard right now my eyes are watering. That is so cute. She's so smart!! Natalie doesn't say anything we do and doesn't say any animals sounds. She is so stinkin cute!!

nwestmama said...

She's a WONDER GIRL!! Love the videos! Keep em coming!

Anonymous said...

That is awesome!!!! What did she do to her head? It looks like she has a huge bruise above her right eye..

Dan and Marcy said...

Hey - don't tell Ellen this - but I think she would make it if she tried out for the movies - wonder baby!! Don't tell her parents, either, - they might get baloon-heads even quicker than Ellen. She's a "natural" :) Go Ellen!! The sound effects are awesome....thanks for sharing them with you-all's fans out here. We're cheering for you - all four!!

Anonymous said...

This is Taylor Hampton.. Hannah's niece and my family and I have been checking your blog .... We think Ellen is the CUTEST THING EVER!!!!! Well thanks for sharing and hope you have a great last month or about a month .... and by the way a sheep says BAAAA ... lol...

Anonymous said...

Esther and I watched this about 7 times tonight. She kept laughing and asking, "Hoo iz dat?" - Mrs. Coach