this is a shot of the classroom. our class, world's living religions, is taught by one of the professors at the bible school we are staying at. he is our host here in mali and has been taking care of us. it has been insightful to say the least. we are learning almost too much from him. he came from a home where his father was an islamic priest. his family was also deeply involved in fetishism and animism. this has been a huge picture into the malian culture. hearing him talk really explains much of what we have been seeing and wondering about. he is going to have the islamic priest that he studied under come into class and speak to us. he is also bringing in a witchdoctor from bougouni. should be two interesting class periods. we are also taking a couple trips into some villages that he used to work in before jesus got a hold of him.
How neat to experience the fellowship of the Universal Body of Christ - to be taught by a fellow-brother-in-Christ and to learn from him. God certainly transcends cultures and languages and His truth is for ALL people. Awesome!
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