Wednesday, July 11, 2007

evangelism campaign

a quick thank you for all that have been praying. yesterday a lady came and wane ted to talk to mart, joseph's wife. the lady had been practicing demon worship and came to ask about jesus. the lord is definitely working here. it is crazy how many people just show up here to ask about jesus. praise the lord!!!
i was also going to ask for specific prayer for thursday, friday, and saturday. the evanelical church in mali is sponsoring an evangelism campaign in bougouni. the first session was this afternoon. i don't know how many people were there...hard to estimate. they said they thought about 3,ooo would show up. pray that people's eyes would be opened and that seeds would be planted for the lord to harvest.


Anonymous said...

Hey guys! We sure are praying for the three of you and appreciate all of your efforts in keeping us updated on your life and ministry in Mali. We're sure it's probably only a slice of what you're really experiencing, but it's great to stay connected this way!

nwestmama said...

That is so amazing...people sound so hungry for the truth! Love the updates!