Tuesday, October 02, 2007

dancing baby

this is ellen dancing to a ringtone on our phone. she really likes some of the songs. all her dancing seems to go this way no matter what the music sounds like. she dances around and punches buttons. sometimes she scrolls through the songs, sometimes she stops the songs and gets upset with the phone, sometimes she dances the night away.


nwestmama said...

She is awesome! She's so cute...great smile!

Anonymous said...

Your little Ellen is a riot! Tessa, it was so fun to hear your voice and little laughs on the video. I miss you! Jen :)

The Chalmers' Family said...

That is so cute. Man, they are so fun at this age. I was also going to say that it was great to hear your voice Tessa. Congratulations on being pregnant!! I am too, due March 8th. What's your due date? I have to know if Ellen is actually saying the words to 12 Days of Christmas. If so, I wonder what we aren't doing with Natalie. She's not saying anything really!! You must have a genius.

scott angelo said...

ok, sorry for the confusion. ellen sings along with me but it sounds more like "ban suis reak fnas slsno" instead of actual words. her favorite part is that part because she laughs when i sing it. sorry for the confustion. her brain works but she's not a baby genius.