Thursday, May 15, 2008

potty in the potty

ellen has become fairly skilled at using the potty. we are nowhere near potty trained but she is really getting the hang of this thing. i would say we get 3 or 4 potties in the potty a week. she potties in the potty, removes the toxic waste container and comes dancing with the good news to us, we then take it to the big potty, flush it and wave bye bye, and finally we eat our potty celebration candy and dance some more. 


Anonymous said...

This is HILARIOUS! Thanks for the play-by-play and the very real heads up for what's in store...

Anonymous said...

We need to have Ellen out at our house to show Leyton how to get it done! We men are a little slow.

nwestmama said...

She's a quick one! That is awesome!