Saturday, May 03, 2008


so what are we up too lately....?

well, i'm feeling mostly settled into my job at lake regional hospital on the medical/surgical floor. i work 3 days a week and get patients in ages from infants to upper 90's. it seems like most of what we get lately is cardiac patients in  the "observation beds" or chf, gi bleed patients and kids sick with viruses. I usually have about 6 or 7 patients at a time which is a real change for me from 3 or 4. 

scott most recently has been putting in hours on any days he can painting and cleaning up a house that is being "turned" by a guy he met playing basketball. He also put in a few more days at the printing company lately. it's been great for scott to play basketball on thursday evenings with a bunch of guys (some from the church where we have started going)

ellen is flourishing in this warm weather and all the opportunities to be outside finding very precious gravel rocks and pretty flowers with her daddy. she very nicely masked a ruptured eardrum this week and is now on antibiotics for that. i'd say she's growing so fast but really she's really staying her tiny little self. it's so fun to have her talking more!

cody is such a smiley little baby. he's got these saggy bulldog cheeks that so suddly erupt into the biggest grin ever when you play with him. he really likes playing "chuga, chuga, choo, choo!" with his arms.

lately scott and i have really felt unsettled in not having answers regarding our future in knowing how long to be in missouri working on paying off loans, or maybe moving near friends to settle in for several years to build a more definite "home" for when we go overseas, or maybe just picking a country and selling all we've got to just go...but in that case go WHERE? 

Sometimes God seems so quiet regarding things so important to us but we're finding the joy in finding contentment in our daily relationship with Him. For now we are going to walk slowly in the process of growing in our faith in Him right here in Missouri. It's SO beautiful here now with all the trees turning green, the lakes and the sunshine.....we're just really enjoying being with my parents and watching the kids grow with their grandparents loving on them.

In the ups and the downs, God is good!


nwestmama said...

We are praying for you big time as you wrestle through this stuff! Decisions can be very difficult. Being and adult sucks sometimes. :-) It was great to talk to you guys last night!!!

Carrie said...

Thanks for the update! I love hearing how you guys are doing. We need to talk sometime soon, Tessa. Love you!